Month: March 2013



This image which was taken from the website is made of a circular composition, as the staicase spirals in a circular motion. The hotspot on this image would be end of the staircase.




When I look at this image I see a triangle or a pyramid composition going from the left and right hand corners of the red cape to the ladies head as the top point. This image is from the site The hotspot on this image would be the woman’s head.





This image taken from the website shows the composition “L” or rectangle composition the L shape is from the top right hand side to the bottom left hand side









The drawing of the archway was a the most difficult drawing to do, It took several attempts to get the archway to a standard I was happy with, the reason I was so confused was because I had many guidelines and I was unable to work out which line was for what. After I had drawn the image I then had a go at the shading I feel slightly more comfortable with shading however I would not say I was completely comfortable.