Month: November 2013

Lego (Plane)

I was given the task of creating 1 of 3 different models from a lego set  (including creating the lego parts themselves) in Maya. After getting into a group of 5 to reduce the work load for creating the lego bricks, myself and the rest of my group had to decide which bricks we would be creating so there would not be any repartition of lego bricks. Next I decided which model I was going to create, using the website given I created each individual lego brick that I was going to create. This was based of the measurements for each of needed parts specified on the website.

After everyone in my group created the bricks it was then that we noticed that we had created them in centimetres instead of millimetres,  this was because by default Maya sets the grid to centimetres. After we noticed this  we had to remodel
everything into right scale using scaling .

In the end I was able to create my plane, below is my plane and the picture of what it should look like this image was taken from the instructions booklet.


I think after looking at the two images above , I have created a realistic plane that looks fairly similar to the original, regardless of the problems that occurred.