Month: January 2014

Final Task

The Final Task for this Module I was given three briefs

  1. Create animation Roller-coaster
  2. Create Space Station
  3. Create a Mario character

I decided to create a space station, I was given all day to create a scene below is three screenshots showing my Space station long with a spaceship that is moving from Earth to the Space Station.

earth_space space_ship space_station


I made the space station using a variety of the tools that I had learnt since starting this module. I used both hypershades and UV maps to create the texture for all components in the scene. I used Keyframes to create the animation which is shown below.

I thoroughly enjoyed this Module and have learnt many things, that I believe will help me in the future.

Little Shop of Horrors Scene Complete

Once every member of my group had make their objects that were going to be added to the final scene,  my self and the other members of my group gave them to another member of our group Matt as he created the street, we all did this so it was easier that trying to import everyone’s objects in class. We all used dropbox to share our files making it easier for everyone to have access to the work. Matt also created the lamp posts and I am very pleased with the end result as he has added a glow to give it the effect that they are on.


The video that follows shows a quick animation of around the street, I created the animation by creating a new camera, and then using key frames I moved around street adding key frames when I wanted the camera to be at a specific point.

Matt created another animation for the street which can be seen on his blog, while this is good and all members of the group agreed on this method. I felt like I wanted to create my own animation showing the movement around the street from my perceptive.

I think that the animation and the scene itself overall looks good and has many of the components that were asked for from the little shop of horrors members. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this task, and I have gained many new skills from the creation of the scene.

My Little Shop of Horrors Objects

The images below show what I created for the street scene:

screen-shot-2013-12-13-at-10-24-47 screen-shot-2013-12-13-at-10-25-20

screen-shot-2013-12-13-at-10-25-30 screen-shot-2013-12-13-at-10-25-39

I made each one of these objects separately and then imported them into a single file on separate layers.

To make the tree I simply used curves and edited the vertex for the leaves then coloured it in to make it look like a healthy tree. Next I just duplicated the object and coloured into a different colour for the dead tree

The shop was created using boolean to create the middle of the shop and on the roof to create the rim, boolean was also used to create the canopy which originally was a cylinder. I then used a variety of hyper shades to create a realistic shop. I also used the extrude tool for the door.

The phone box was created using a variety of tools including extrude and boolean to create the phone and the buttons on the pad, a cylinder was used to create the base of the phone box. I moved the vertex to create the cover for the phone box.

Little Shop of Horrors Ideas



Group Popplet:

Before myself and the other members of my group were asked what scene we would like to do we first created a popplet which is shown above and here we could all add our own ideas.

Below is what our original idea for the street scene would look like, it has changed greatly since then however, but these drawings could be used as templates

tina 001 tina 002