Assignment Part 2 – Dynamics Scene

Here is my Completed and Rendered Environment displaying the following Dynamics:

  • Fire,Smoke and Sparks
  • nCloth and Destructive Environment
  • Fluids (Water)
  • Wind (tornado)
  • Particle Emitter

I used the YouTube video shown in the link below for the tutorial on how to do the water that was in the pond:

I created a basic scene in Maya, which included a volcano and a couple of cliffs and a piece of land, I then proceeded to add the Dynamics I first started with the waterfall (see screenshot below on right) as I knew this would be the easiest, I created this in the same way that I created the water dynamics as shown in a earlier post (Dynamics).

I then created the nCloth shown in the first screenshot below, I created this my using the face cut tool on a flat polygon plane to make random cuts in the polygon, I then highlighted all of the edges for this plane and going into the nDynamics Menu Set and the nMesh tab, I selected the create nCloth tool, this made the plane a nCloth, however when I played the animation due to the gravity in Maya it would drop straight down straight away, to fix this I went into the Attribute Menu for the nCloth and adjusted the direction of the gravity after changing other settings when I now played the animation it no longer dropped straight away. Next I created a simple rock and by going to the same Menus as when I created the nCloth however this time selecting the tool called create Passive Collider so now after key framing the rock to pass though the plane, when I play the animation the result shown below is achieved.

nCloth_Fire_Smoke_Spark Waterfall_pond

After Creating the waterfall and nCloth I imported from my tutorials the Sparks from the Fireworks and the Fire from the Match Scenes. I then simply adjusted settings for each dynamic until I had something I was happy with. As shown in the Screenshot above on the left the fire is to show the eruption of the volcano while the sparks are smaller eruptions, the smoke shown behind the fire was simply created by creating a new 3D container and changing settings until the desired result was achieved.

Below is the screenshot showing a close up of the tornado, as in the video it is not clearly displayed, I not 100% happy with the outcome of this, as I don’t think it looks exactly like a tornado and if I could do this again I would try to make a better tornado, the twister shown in the earlier post called fuel,fire,twister is a better creation of a tornado as it looks more realistic.


The Final Dynamic I created was the actual pond this was by far one of the more difficult dynamics to do the link to the YouTube video shown above helped me create the final outcome and I am happy to say that I think it turned out very well and looks like water. I then created a Skybox to make all of the dynamics stand out more. Here is the hypershade window for my environment. As shown in the screenshot I have many different textures that have been used there is the texture for the volcano, water and land as well as the lava rock, the textures for the fireworks is also shown.


I am happy with the way this scene has turned out, however if I was able to do this all again I would take more time in creating all the dynamics so they would be at a higher quality and standard to what they currently are, I would also take more time in creating a more complex scene to better show of the Dynamics. I made the animation using the perspective camera however i created a new camera to edit the dynamics were needed.